Yidan Xue

Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Health Sciences, The University of Manchester


I am a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Alex Frangi’s group in School of Health Sciences at the University of Manchester. My research focuses on the development of in-silico trials for TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) devices. Prior to this, I held postdoctoral positions in applied mathematics at both Cardiff University and University of Oxford. I did my DPhil on modelling oxygen transport and tissue damage in the human brain with Professor Stephen Payne at Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford. I received my BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh.

selected publications

  1. mixing.pdf
    Computing Stokes flows in periodic channels via rational approximation
    Yidan Xue
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A (to appear), 2025
  2. pressure_cases_particle.png
    Stokes flows in a two-dimensional bifurcation
    Yidan XueStephen J Payne, and Sarah L Waters
    Royal Society Open Science, 2025
  3. 530pm.png
    Modelling indoor airborne transmission combining architectural design and people movement using the VIRIS simulator and web app
    Scientific Reports, 2024
  4. heart_closeup.png
    Computation of two-dimensional Stokes flows via lightning and AAA rational approximation
    Yidan XueSarah L Waters, and Lloyd N Trefethen
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2024
  5. po2_distribution_blockage.png
    Quantification of hypoxic regions distant from occlusions in cerebral penetrating arteriole trees
    Yidan Xue, Theodosia Georgakopoulou, Anne-Eva Wijk, Tamás I Józsa, Ed van Bavel, and Stephen J Payne
    PLOS Computational Biology, 2022
  6. PO2_visualisation.png
    Modelling the effects of cerebral microthrombi on tissue oxygenation and cell death
    Yidan XueWahbi K El-Bouri, Tamás I Józsa, and Stephen J Payne
    Journal of Biomechanics, 2021
  7. re_245.png
    Formation of vortices in idealised branching vessels: a CFD benchmark study
    Yidan XueRudolf Hellmuth, and Dong-hyuk Shin
    Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 2020